A new staining test to determin whether a mole is benign or cancerous

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  • A new staining test to determin whether a mole is benign or cancerous

Up till now, finding out if a mole is a potentially life-threatening melanoma has been a complex task, resulting in both under- and over diagnosis. However, a novel diagnostic staining test has been designed, developed and studied by investigators at Weill Medical College. According to the researchers, the test can provide a new measure of determining whether a mole is benign or cancerous, and has the potential for expanded use across all cancers. The study is published in the Nov. 21 issue of theArchives of Dermatology.

Read more From Arch Dermatol. Published online November 21, 2011:  Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase Antibody Profile as a Diagnostic Adjunct in the Assessment of Pigmented Lesions

26 November 2011

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